Friday, January 30, 2009

Being Boring!!!

Guess what? My life has been so boring lately. I have very little to blog about. At the moment I am crocheting a hat. I have been starting and re-starting this hat so many times that the yarn is staring to break. Let’s just say I am not going to be making hats for a living. The only thing I have going for me is the fact that I am very persistent; almost to a fault. When and if I finish my hat I will post it on my blog. I would cross my fingers, and hope for the best but I have calluses on them.

I have been doing very well losing my six pounds. So far I have lost 3.5 pounds. (Round of applause. I know you can’t see me, but I am bowing.) Here is my secret: I stopped eating at night. Sigh…I love to chow down at night, but I realized that it was one of the reasons why getting fat. I made the choice to not eat after dinner. I drink A LOT of tea, and go to bed very early, but so far so good. I keep reminding myself that it is working, so I keep sloshing around with tea in my tummy.

It has been hard to type my blog, because my hands are pretty busy. During the day I am crocheting, and at night my hands are white knuckling a book. I will see you all in a few days. I am hoping that there will be a hat on my head and I will be 2.5 pounds lighter.


Anonymous said...

I struggle with you my friend. I have found myself lately really trying not to eat at night.
And im not doing a good job at it either.
Its HORRIBLE. what kind of tea are you drinking ? Im not a warm tea drinker but maybe i should try what your drinking.
Also im so jelous i always wanted to learn how to knitt or crochet.
maybe i should take that up ? or try to learn ?

Kathy said...

Good luck with the hat. Also, good thing not to eat after dinner. I can't eat after dinner. I suffer from acid reflux so I have to eat early and not eat anything after that. Keep up the good work you're almost there.

Diz said...

After dinner snacking is a fave of mine too. I try and choose decent snacks, but sometimes....

Can't wait to see the hat!