Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Many Times Must I Ask You to Leave?

Sob hysterically as I throw the bathroom scale out the window…6

Count ‘em up: 6 pounds!

I now weigh…I don’t want to tell you. Putting my weight on my blog makes it so real. If I don’t tell anyone else I can reason my weight gain away. Those 6 pounds must be from all the water that my skin absorbed during my shower. (And I didn’t even calculate in my wet short hair- Hey maybe I lost weight!)
Or how about this reasoning:

Me: I gained six pounds. Crappy!

My Brain: Don’t worry about those pounds. They are no big deal.

Me: Why do you say that?

My Brain: Remember we drank like 70 oz. of water yesterday. We also drank some water during the night; remember it was when we got up to pee?

Me: Yeah, but that was like a quarter of a glass.

My Brain: Well it still counts. Oh yeah and we had a cup of tea, and a venti Starbucks mocha yesterday. That plus the 70 oz of water must equal out to be 6 pounds worth of water.

Me: Maybe…

My Brain: Well, maybe you are retaining water! I hate to say this, and I wasn’t going to, but your ankles do look big and scary.

Me: Shut up; wait, now that you mentioned it my ankles do look like cankles.

My Brain: I know that is what I thought! Looking at those cankles I would say that we are retaining at least 10 pounds of water.

Me: So that would mean that I lost 4 pounds!

My Brain: Nope, I am just messing with you. You really did gain 6 pounds.

Me: How did I do that?

My Brain: Seriously? Are you seriously asking me that question? Because we both know how you gained 6 pounds; and let me say you got off easy with just 6 pounds! Please tell me you are not serious.

Me: Shut up, I am going to go and throw this scale in the garbage.

My Brain: Don’t forget to throw out the cookies, the brownies, the refined carbs, the cheese… oh forget it you’re not listening anymore.

Okay, so I am back at 180 pounds exactly. There I said it. It doesn’t make me feel better, or even more determined to lose the weight just because I confessed it to you. It just makes me know that I am in need of a fill. I knew I needed a fill at the beginning of December, but my doctor wasn’t able to accommodate me until January 15th. As a result Christmas was an “anything-goes-down” experience. And now I am stuck lugging around six pounds of cookie dough.

By the way, I did take my brain's advice and I got rid of the junk food.


Kathy said...

Hey!! It's okay that you had a good time during the holidays. We all did. Now it's time to get back to basics and get back to the journey of weight loss. You can do it. You know you can.

Judi said...

Yep, we are right there with you Amy! I have not even stepped on a girl that I am! the plan is--get a fill, get back at it....
Simple? Right? Hmmmm.....
I was definitely the water....!

Diz said...

Girl...6 lbs over the holidays is nuthin! I believe the national average is 10+lbs. I think everyone gets a pass at the holidays, then good ole January shows up and kicks our proverbial ass and says "Suck it up Baby...the new Year is Here"! At least that's what the bastard tells me... We'll all get through this together.

Anonymous said...

I have a RULE for gains. I do not count gains until the same number is there 3 days in a row.
So if i weight 150 one day and the next its 150 and the next its 149 WELL 149 it is !
We can go up and down so often w/ our weight and TOM ect. Its ok. Guess what ? The beauty of the band , is it will come off ! Last yr would that weight have come off ? Probably not and it would have had some "friends" to go with it .
So its ok !
(could you forward this to my blog please so i can read it LOL I need to follow my own advice right now ! )