Friday, May 8, 2009

6 Days, 21 Hours 28 Minutes...

I changed the name of my blog to: I REALLY WANT A STARBUCKS! As it turns out I can live without a cookie, but I am not sure that I can say the same when it comes to Starbucks coffee. I have had to give up the most wonderful morning drink of my life. (I am aware that you may not LOVE Starbucks and I am not holding it against you. We are still friends.)

I am depressed. My coffee machine is on the counter with no one to love it.

What I want to know is why the pharmaceutical companies never invented a “Starbucks Patch”? You know a patch that would be similar to the kind of patch that people wear who want to quit smoking. It would be awesome, because every so often I would get a hit of espresso to my nervous system.

I am a one Venti-a-day drinker. So far I have been without a Starbucks for 2 hours and 56 minutes.

It is not all bad news. I can go back to my espresso sin in one week-if I want to. (Yes, please.) I am going back to my addiction for both of our sakes. If I don’t get coffee after one week than all of my entries are going to be about Starbucks, and they are going to have a real bitch flavour to them. That is “if” I can write. I might be in a padded room rocking back and forth plotting my escape to the closest Starbucks.

Time until next Starbucks: One week. Only 6 days and 21 hours to go.

Damn you Howard Schultz for opening a coffee shop that I love so much!


Kathy said...

You didn't say why you have to give up coffee for a week. Anyway, I know how hard it is. I had to give it up myself before I had my surgery. I haven't gone back to it. I like the fact that it isn't staining my teeth and I also like the fact that I don't have to suffer the terrible caffeine headache. Hang in there a week will be over before you know it.

Amy said...

Thank you! My brainn is still in shock. I am going without coffee to figure out if I have any digesive issues. I like the expensiive milk based coffees.

I fell your love in my time of need.