Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Gained Weight!

I feel like selling the farm, giving up the goat. I don’t have a goat to give so we are okay on goat trading today, but at any rate I am frustrated. I will let you know that I am typing very slowly because in addition to typing I am also banging my head against my desk. I know that this is counterproductive, but I don’t know what else to do. Seriously I am out of ideas.

Let’s have a frank discussion about my weight loss. My cage is all rattled up, because of my difficulties, so let’s just deal with it. In case you just tuned in I have been struggling to lose weight. I know I make it look easy at times, but if I am being absolutely honest I have to tell you that it is harder than it looks. I have hit the wall so hard I have given myself a concussion. The truth is during the month of January I have successfully managed to gain 2 pounds. OUCH!

I am not happy with these results. I am going to take action. I am not a person who cries and expects the world to fix my problems. I am a fix-it-myself-kinda-girl. (Once I stop banging my head on my desk….okay…)
Here is my plan:
1. Start a six day exercise regime (The word regime just sounds so intimidating, like you know it is going to be a lot of work, and it is going to involve a lot of pain.)
2. Cut my calories down drastically. (I have to do this with pure self-control. I am in need of a fill, but my doctor is under the opinion that I need to wait four more weeks.)
3. Get a lap ban…wait I already did that. (Darn that thing is supposed to work wonders too.)

Exercise Regime:
Monday: Curves
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday: One hour walk
(If you see me out and about on any given day not doing my exercises, please return me to the nearest gym, yoga hut, or Curves outlet.)

My goal is to lose 15 pounds by March 4th. I will be doing this on a wing and a prayer. Wish me good luck; because this is not a goal…this is my reality.

1 comment:

Ang said...

Good luck Amy! You can do it. We will all have our setbacks and you are doing amazing!! Would calorie counting help? Try to stick to a certain amount to help? Not sure if you do that or not but there's a goodwebsite that is free that you can use to track it. www.fitday.com
Keep us posted!