Monday, January 28, 2008

Protein Drinks Suck

Life can be unfair…well not really, but sometimes enough for me to take notice and complain. I am hiding out in our “den”; trying to ignore the delicious smells coming from our kitchen. At this very moment David is enjoying a wonderful dish of chicken and rice, and I know first hand that his taste buds are in heaven. Most of you are probably wondering why my husband is consuming dinner without me. Well the truth of the matter is I can not eat solid food, because I am back to dining on liquid-fare.

To be honest no matter how fancy you dress up a protein shake up it never smells good. “Oh my God smell this!”
“What is it?”
“It’s the new smell-good protein shake.”
“Wow that is nice; if it taste half as good as it smells I am totally in!”

And while we are on the subject of smelling things I need to ask you all a question. Does this happen to you or is it just me? Here it is: I have this friend and whenever anything smells bad she ALWAYS says, “Yuck, smell this,” and then proceeds to shove the disgusting item to my nasal region for a second opinion. The stupid part is I actually smell the item, as if her word wasn’t good enough. I should learn to put more faith in her sniffing abilities.

Let’s be honest with each here: protein drinks do not taste great. They may taste okay, or good, but not great. Who am I kidding that taste like crap. We can make them any flavor we want, but you can always taste that ever-so-lovely protein aftertaste. Don’t mind me I am just grumpy because for the next 24 hours I am sucking down protein drinks, yummy. I had better go I here the blender…

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