Friday, September 18, 2009

All About Me in 60 Seconds

On Facebook there is an application called 60 second Interview. Here are some of the questions, and my answers.

Which is worse? Nails on a chalkboard or lemon juice on a cut?

Nails on a chalkboard

I am totally paranoid about

What was your favorite childhood toy?
Cookie Monster (Duh)

I like to wear…
Jammies with fuzzy socks

If you had your own army of 1000 identical five year olds, what would you have them do?
Rent them out to clean toilets.

Is there anything you’d like to add before we continue?
I love cookies

How many hours of sleep do you need?

Which letter of the alphabet can you totally not stand?
Z! I can’t say that I hate ‘Z’ but I don’t like the way we say it in Canada- zed; that is just not right people. It’s zee.

What’s the closest you’ve come to death?
I was hit by two cars in the same incident

What is the fastest you have ever driven?
150 km or 93 miles an hour

What is the strangest question you have ever been asked in a job interview?

‘Are you ready to go back to the real world?’ (I stood up, thanked the guy for the interview, and left. The 'Real World' was in regards to my salary. )

I knew I was an adult when…
I am not an adult yet, so stop calling me ma’am!

What is your favorite cake frosting?
Chocolate with coconut

What would be an appropriate name for your car?
Her name is Marsha on account that she looks like a big marshmallow.

Would you shave your head for a worthy charity?

Do you play any instruments?

G-string, thong, boy shorts, bikini, or traditional?

Come on over and look for yourself

Have you ever fallen asleep while driving?
No, but I have come close.

In a previous life I was…
Pushed down a staircase

Have you ever fallen asleep at work?

I am a member of generation___


I’d like to teach the world to…
Bake chocolate chip cookies

Automatic or stick shift?

What would your clown name be?
I hate clowns- never bring up clowns again or this interview is over!

Are you a glass half full person or a glass empty person?
I am a glass is half empty; I’d better get some more to fill’er up fast because I like to be full all the way

I don’t get mad…
I get a blog

I’d be mortified if someone caught me…
…like I am going to tell you

SUV, compact, or sports car?
VW convertible bug

What always makes you smile; no matter how bad a day you’re having?
When David tells me that he loves me

Do you sleep on your side, back, or stomach?
All of them

What does the tooth fairy do with all of those teeth?
Sells them to dentist so that he can make dentures out of them

The best music comes from…

If your life were a movie, what would be the last line?
I don’t want to think about the last line yet

What’s the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
I blocked it out

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
What wouldn’t I do!!!

How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
2 to 3 (I am currently up to a strong 3.)

I know it’s time to clean the fridge when…
David takes care of that

Do you have an innie, or an outie?

Would you rather have a fast forward or instant replay button for your life?
I would like them both

What would your Olympic event be?
Bull shitting

Salty or sweet?

People make fun of my…
Ouch! I can’t talk about it now. Let’s talk about it when we’re alone.

How many songs do you have on your iPod?

I feel naked without…
My clothes

No matter how desperate I was for a guy, I’d never…
Trade in my morals, values, or let him treat me poorly.

If I lived in the 1800, my profession would be…
Queen of England

I wish I could change…
My bank account balance

I like people who are…
Honest and fun

What’s your favorite blue food?
Cotton candy

What would you name your pet monkey?

What’s the sexist thing a member of the opposite sex can wear?
A suit, tie, and glasses

My hourly rate is…
I laugh at this question! If you have to ask you can’t afford me!

If you were the first person to land on the moon, you would’ve said:

‘How the hell did I get this job? I am afraid of heights!’

If I lived in the 2100, my profession would be…
Captain Crunch Fan Club President

Have you ever been on TV?
Outside of the reality show ‘Cops’?-no

What makes you homesick?
I am not homesick as long as I have David and Holly with me.

What is/was your imaginary friend’s name?

What’s your favorite 80’s band?
Pet Shop Boys

Bikini, Tankini, or Linguini?
Linguini, that is why there is no bikini, or tankini for me!

My favorite Candy is…

Batman or Superman?
Superman, because Batman did not have superpowers

I’d say that vegetables are…
A good side dish

My biggest regret is…
Not going with the flow (I can be uptight.)

My super power would be…
To tell the future

What’s your favorite Jelly Belly flavour?

My proposed Ben and Jerry’s flavour:
Chocolate ice cream with brownies, chocolate covered almonds, and mini marshmallows

What kind of pet would you like to have?
A Jetta. (It has 150 horses under the hood, and I think that would be a very good idea.)

Bury me with my…
I don’t want to be buried the thought of it just freaks me out.

What’s your magic word?
I can’t say my magic word here; it is a very bad word

If you were coated in jelly, what flavour would you prefer?

Would you rather own a dog named Growler, or a parrot named Captain?
The parrot, because I could teach it swear words

When I’m elected, the first law I’ll pass…
Is to bring all the troops home

What would your super hero name be?
Super Wonder Amazing Amy

I wish my cell phone had a…
Louder ring I am always missing calls

The key to success is…
Work really hard…I wonder if anyone is still reading these answers?

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t go on Facebook

What was the first thing you bought when you got your first credit card?

What cartoon character did you have a crush on?
Wow! That’s a pretty creepy question.

What are the strangest two foods you’ve combined together?
I don’t like to combine my food

How old were you the last time you trick-or treated?

What’s your favorite ice cream topping?
Nuts-the kind you get from MacDonalds

How many times have you broken your cell phone?

If you were to discover that the roof was on fire, what would you do? (For example: seek water)
Are you nuts! Seek water? Hell no! I would grab the family, pets, and run for my life!

What will be your last words?
‘Shit that didn’t work out too well did it?’

Righty or lefty?

When was the last time you threw up?
OMG! That is a totally gross question!

Who would play you in a movie version of your life?
Ashley Judd

What would you do for a new car?
What wouldn’t I do for a new car???

What is your favorite kids’ cereal?
Cocoa Puffs

I’ve always wanted to
Star in a motion picture with Johnny Depp

Pop Tarts or Toaster Strudle?
Toaster Studle

If I were a super hero my super suit would be made out of…

What time period would you like to live in for a week?
The 50’s

When faced with a problem I…
Drink a coffee, and then think really fast

I’ll wait until nobody is looking, then I’ll…
Adjust my panties, but I always seem to mis-time it; some one catches me.

What do you wear to bed?
T-shirt and undies

When did ’10 did seconds’ become ‘two hours’?
…that is what he said…

When the world ends, I will be…
Oh man the world is ending!!! No one told me. I should have planned better.

What flavour Jell-O are you?

If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?
Tats are not for me. I fear what they may look like in my later years

I think they should legalize…
Anything I feel like doing

I’d totally be screwed without…
My husband and sweet daughter

The worse question on 10 second interview so far is…
Most of them

There’s something fishy about
This 10 second interview; I feel that it has been way longer than 10 seconds.

My friend dumped me when they found…
Out I had weight loss surgery

Propose a new toothpaste flavour:

How often do you go without underpants?
NEVER! That’s icky.

I will never tell anyone…
That I have super human powers

I wouldn’t mind being stuck in a closet with…
Brad Paisley

What's your favorite crayon color?

Are you a country mouse, or a city mouse?
Country mouse

I’d describe my sense of humour as…
Potty humour (I love fart jokes.)

I always mispronounce…

I shower in the…

If you had an extra toe, what would you do with it?
Have it removed

What’s you favorite pizza topping?

How long have you spent answering these questions so far?
62 days

What’s your favorite website?

What is the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?

PC or Mac?

On a scale from 1 to crazy, I’m about a:

Metric, or Imperial units?
Imperial- I am American through and through.

Make up a fact about penguins right now:
They mate 16 times a year

Cake or pie?

I collect…
Cookie Monster things

When do you normally go to bed?

How do you like your coffee?
Starbucks- non-fat, no whip, half sweet, lid on, mocha

My worst part-time job was…
Selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door; I was so bad at it I only made .29 cents an hour

If you saw wet cement, what would write in it?
Amy loves David’ (I am such a dork.)

Early riser or night owl?
Night owl

Which pair of underwear are your favourites?
I chose not to have favourites I don’t want to hurt my underwear’s feelings

Five star hotel or tent in the woods?
Five star hotel

I want my last meal to be
Cupcakes and chocolate milk

I squeeze my toothpaste…
From the middle (I know it’s gross.)

What’s the best advice you ever received?
Wear comfortable shoes

1 comment:

Kathy said...

those are some very good and clever answers Amy.