Friday, September 4, 2009

$pending my Money!

It is 8:10 at night and I have been going non-stop for the entire day. Did I mention that Holly joined her middle school band? I am very excited about the never ending in-home concerts of ‘Hot Cross Buns’ which will play throughout the entire month of September.

No really, I am looking forward to Holly’s new music endeavour. At first Holly wanted to take the ever so popular standbys: acting, and art classes. Those would have been the easiest A’s she would have gotten all year. Don’t feel too bad for her; she has a very expensive Stevie Wonder approved keyboard, and a blue guitar she named ‘Betsy Blue’ just waiting to be played. The only obstacle she faces is her ability to read music; once she knows a C is a C she can play it. What better way for her to learn music but to join the middle school band.

She wanted to play the clarinet. I played the clarinet. We thought she could use mine. No go; apparently you can’t let a clarinet sit in its case for 20 years, because it can get mites! Ewww gross! I ended up buying a refurbished one that does not contain mites. I think it worked out for the best. Afterall you don't want to be swallowing mites while you are playing great pieces of music such as 'Mary Had a Little Lamb'.

I wish you could have been there to see Holly’s face when she was examining her instrument. It was a toss up between ‘I love it.’ and ‘Holy Shit there is a lot of keys on this thing!’

We had to finish up some last minute back to school shopping. We were smart, and went to mall early; we had the whole joint to ourselves.

I had a lot of fun shopping with my daughter. She is a ‘personal shopper’ just like her mother. She has an opinion regarding each and everything we looked at.

My only complaint, (Of course I had to have one) was the way the sales clerks bagged my items. I just paid for my not-on-sale-item. (I know it shouldn’t matter, but I thought I would mention it.) Guess what the sales clerk did? She rolled my new clothes into a ball and SHOVED it into the bag! AHHH! Why don’t you throw my purchase on the floor, and dance the twist on it too why’ll your at it. Please have some respect!

I worked in retail for far too many years to let this injustice happen to my new favorite clothes. Here is what I do to combat this mishandling of my articles of clothing.

I will take my balled up clothes out of the bag, proceed to slowly fold the clothes properly, and then place them carefully back into my bag. (I fold extra slow if there is a big line behind me. Hey don’t piss me off!)

I did a lot of folding today. BUT my clothes hit my hangers wrinkle free!


Kathy said...

Good for you, that is so frustrating when sales clerks do that. What are they thinking? You had me laughing when I read about your in-home concerts of Hot Cross Buns. It brought back some memories of my own childhood learning to play the flute.

Amy said...

I also had memories come flooding back to me of my "band geek" days. I started out on the bass clarinet in middle school, until a flute position opened up. Been playing ever since (30 years).

Oh, the time honored tradition of the hanger battle at the store!

lori said...

its great that holly will be playing in the school band. she will have nice memories of that time to look back on. she is also growing into quite a beautiful young lady.