Monday, August 31, 2009

What Times Is It?

You might think I am coldblooded, but I am not too fond of babies. Let me correct myself and say that I am not fond of the work that is involved that it takes to take care of a baby.

You have to feed it, which takes a hell of amount of effort, because they want to eat constantly. Apparently babies have yet to discover the breakfast, lunch, and dinner concept. Then there is the changing of the diapers that comes as a result of the constant feeding. My question is how can such a little tummy hold so many poops? Of course there is the bathing, the burping, the cooing, cleaning up their spit-up, and my personal favorite trying to appease a fussy crying infant. Oh, I almost forgot the lack of sleep! How could I forget that?

We can’t forget what happens to mommy. We get the stretch marks, the sagging belly, and my personal favorite sexy milk leaking boobs.

I have a daughter, and as you probably can guess that I didn’t pick her up at a bus depot when she was five. I had her from start. Raising her was wonderful. I loved performing 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall at 3:00 am. (Anything to help her sleep.) I loved wearing spit-up stained shirts; there was nothing sexier.

She was an excellent baby. She was rarely fussy. She was very easy going. It was a pleasure to raise her. It was, and continues to be the best thing I have done with my life.

Having another child is kind of risky. What if the next child is not as easy going? What if the next baby turns out to be a butt-head? What if the next baby doesn’t appreciate 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall? I would have to learn a whole new song. I just don’t have that kind of time.

Some people want large families, some people don’t want any children, and there is us, a family who only wants one child. We are not risk takers so David had (in his words) major surgery to ensure we stay a family of three.

We were chugging along just fine with our ‘only child decision’, but a few weeks ago I started hearing a very faint “tick-tock” in the background. Was that my biological clock ticking?

Is my body punking me? Do you remember when I fell off of the table on Holly’s birthday? I must’ve hit my head harder than I thought. I am blaming all of this on that fall. It must’ve knocked something out of whack in my brain- oh I know what it was-it was the RATIONAL part.

It’s not that I don’t like babies; I do. I like OTHER people’s babies. My motto is let the other mommies feed them, hold them, burp them, and change them. I don’t like to get involve. Tick-tock, tick-tock, shhh… be quiet you! Well maybe I’ll take some notes, but I am still not going to pick up your baby.

I am ashamed to say that I have a touch of baby fever. I caught myself walking down the baby isle at the grocery store looking at the cost of baby diapers, toys, and food. Thank God I haven’t gotten to the point where I am stalking, and chasing down infant strollers just to get a glimpse of ‘your beautiful baby’. Tick-tock.

I knew of this happening to other people, but I never thought it would happen to me. I like my life the way it is. I like sleeping through the night, and doing whatever I want without having to worry about what the baby wants. We have a pretty good life just the three of us so I am hoping; no I am on bended knee praying that this baby thing will pass.

*Plus there is nothing I can do about it anyway thanks to David and his major surgery. Thanks David. Screw you biological clock!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tired and Texting

Iam so freaking-out tired that my eyelids are requiring tooth picks to keep them in the open position. I have been nodding off all day just like grandpa after Thanksgiving dinner. In my coma like state I have had the pleasure of watching the crappy TV shows that my husband, and daughter love. Oh crappy is too harsh of a word? Try two words: Dr. Who. Who watches that show? Come on, if you do please tell me, and maybe just maybe I will stop teasing them. How could the show be that bad if there are other people in the world enjoying that crap-tact-u-lar show?

I am typing this entry from my BlackBerry, which I love by the way. I am trying to improve my texting skills, and so I thought the best way is to blog my entry via my newest favorite toy.

I think everyone should get a CrackBerry. You can do everything with the help of this thing. Not to be crude but it will even help get you laid! There is an app that gives you pick-lines! (Not that I need any help in that department.)

Since I find it so amussing to text my blog from my phone I will be texting my entries from my BlackBerry in my other blog- 'Left to my Own Devices'. Look for me and my phone there!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


You might be disappointed in me but I must stop 'dieting'. The more I diet- the more weight I gain. It seemed to me the less I worried about my weight the more weight I lose. I am quiting.

There is more exciting news. I am going in for surgery at the end of September to have my port re-done. Apparently my port has done a little dance in my tummy, and I need to get some work done.

Good news: The pain I feel around my port when I move will be gone.

The could be uncomfortable news:

I have to go back in to get a full blown surgery. No half-assing it for me. I will become a proud owner of 3 inch scar on my tummy, because my doctor can not reposition my port without cutting. Oh and the port is being sewed on to the muscle. Best news of the after-surgery pain may be the same as it was after the lapband. Ouchie!

I am going back to eating whatever the hell I want. No more calorie counting.

Monday, August 24, 2009

This Has Been an Interesting Summer

There have been a few changes in my home in the last month. My daughter turned 12. It hit me like a ton of bricks falling from the sky going 1,000 miles an hour. BAM! Great now I have a parental concussion. Now I know what Wile e. Coyote feels like when the side of the cliff drops on his head. But just like Wile I brought on these stars that are swirling over my head.

My daughter is has two personalities. When she is at school she is outgoing, she joins every sports team. Expect track, she hates track! Just ask her. She is on the student council, and she has no lack of friends.

When she comes home she is quiet, and she will not leave me side. I encourage her to get together with her friends instead she sighs and she tells me that she is tired, has too much homework, or she doesn’t have her friend’s phone number.

My fear is that she is becoming a staying-at-home-daughter, because she is worried about me. As you know I am bipolar, and I think this has caused her to grow up faster than I would like. I am only guessing but I think that she feels that I need to be taken care of, and she is the one who is best suited for the job. My job is to make sure that she mentally fires herself from that job.

I had enough this summer. I decided that she had to live her life for her own good. David and I sat down with her and told her to go out and have fun. She finally took our advice. Thank you Jesus! (Sigh of relief.)

She found all her friend’s phone numbers, and started to go to the pool, the mall, and having sleepovers. Her calendar is always full. Ha! Holly you’re fired! Here’s your pink slip!

My phone hardly rings. Correct me if I am wrong, but is she not supposed to be tying up my phone line? I work for the phone company, so I prepared myself. I gave Holly her own number, which rings twice when her friends call. Her friends never call. Instead they MSN! All the wheeling-and-dealing happens online. She will be quietly typing on her laptop, and all the sudden she will lookup, and ask me if she can go with so-and-so to somewhere.

I was so looking forward to yelling up the stairs, “Holly, get off the phone!” Well there is always a silver lining, which is if you ever want to give me a call my phone line will not be tied up by silly tween conversations.

When I ask her why she doesn’t use the phone; she rolls her eyes and says, “Oh mom, we don’t use phones ANYMORE!”

Humph! Anymore…what? How did I get old?

Excuse me I got off track. The reason I am composing this entry is to announce that Holly has her first boyfriend, and she ‘hearts’ him. I am not too worried about it, but it is making me want to tie her up, and lock her in the closet.

Her boyfriend is similar to Holly. They are both active in sports, and they are on the honour roll list.

He is shy. David and I stay involved as much as possible. We took them out to dinner already, and the poor boy couldn’t even eat, because he was too nervous. He kept his eyes on David the whole time. He barely could spit out three words. It was cute.

From what I can see he is really sweet to my daughter. She just had her birthday, and he took her shopping so he could buy her a gift. They shopped for four hours, but she could not make up her mind. He ended up giving her the money instead. The main point was he went shopping! What boy will do that? Her father that’s who. David will go shopping to make me happy. It is my hope that she will always pick nice, smart gentlemen.

I know you might not agree with David and me when it comes to Holly having a ‘boyfriend’, but we feel that we can not stop her. She might do it behind our back. We support her and as a result she tells us everything that happens when they hangout. (We knew we she had her first kiss. GULP!) They go places with us. (After all they are only 12.) We met his parents. This is the first step down a long road of boyfriends, and if we get up-to-date post cards along the way it will let us sleep better at night. (Maybe.)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Let Me Explain

First day journaling: Not so hot. 1825 calories consumed. *EXACTLY*, 2000 calories burned. Not quite what I was hoping for. Let's see where my downfalls were.

After a two second review it might have been all of the bread products I ate. Two croissants, two rolls, and a gallon of peanut butter. I missed the protein boat.

I can only think of one positive thing, which is I normally eat a late night goodie, but since you are watching and it was not a day for the record book I am going to skip my late night snack.

No Where to Run to Baby...No Where to Hide!

(Foreshadowing music…)


Today is the BIG day- I start food journaling. UGH. I want to have a stellar attitude about this, but I think I like burying my head in the sand a lot more.

I am going to food journal like I promised. No problem. I figured out that (and this is the ouch part…) if I am at the computer journaling anyway that I might as well jump over to my blog and report in to you.

Yes you will get to witness my days of sainthood, and gluttony. Unless I have fallen ill from consuming a cow, you will see my calorie count for that day. If you take a moment and look to your right you will see a section that reads: “Calories Consumed per Day”. You will be able to see if I went over, or under my target. (Please let it be under!)

I am using Apex, which is the Bodybugg system. I have a calorie tracker on my arm that tracks every calorie burned for that day. I am supposed to journal my food intake, and hopefully be at a deficit. My Bodybugg, who’s name is Bob, request that I burn off 2000 calories per day. Apex has instructed me to keep my calorie intake to 1500 calories per day.

I am going to make a commitment to you that I am going to keep you updated for two weeks. At which time I will re-evaluate my situation.

Friday, August 21, 2009

You Should Never Start A New Diet on Friday Night.

I am not going to weigh-in this week. I got my ‘monthly shipment’ in, and I don’t think it would be fair to my self-esteem if I got on my scale. (It might not be fair to my scale either.) I promise next week that I will be standing on my scale ready to report my progress.

Do you food journal?
I do it when it is convenient for me. I don’t mean in the way of time convenience. I am talking about eye convenience.

It is virtually impossible for me to food journal when I see the words ‘cheese burger’, ‘pizza’, ‘Starbuck’s mocha’, on my journal menu.

Where are the words ‘chicken breast’, and ‘carrot sticks’? I can be a real downer to see the calorie counter moving up. Quick cover my eyes I don’t want to see that.

I know what you are thinking:

"But Amy, would you not say that food journaling is most effective when you have had a stuff-your-face-day?"
"Are these not the situations why some brilliant diet guru invented the idea food journaling?"

"Isn’t the purpose of food journaling to help motivate you to stay on track; SO you won’t be tempted to eat that really big helping of pasta with garlic bread? "

I agree that the answers to all the questions above are a big fat YES!

I am a trouble-shooter by nature. If something needs fixing; call me. Naturally I sat down and evaluated my situation. I came to the conclusion that I was not going to move forward with my weight-loss journey unless I keep an eye on my road, which meant I had to start food journaling once again. Unthaw the chicken, and break out the scale! No more eating out, because I can’t food journal restaurant items-who knows what is really in the food? (Fat, fat, fat, and more fat!)

I hatched a plan. Well it’s not really a plan, but more a pledge.

I know you can not see me, but as I am typing this pledge I am raising my right hand. (It is good thing I am left-handed, because typing this pledge would be really challenging, and thus the pledge itself might end up being too short for what I need it to say.)

“I solemnly promise…”
(Wait a minute… What does the word ‘solemnly’ mean? According to Google’s dictionary the definition of the word ‘solemnly’ means: “In a grave and sedate manner.”

Oh, did you notice the word ‘grave’ in the definition? That sounds serious. It may even be bad for my health. I can not chance it. Back to Google I go. The definition for the word ‘grave’ is: “requiring serious thought, momentous, or it can also mean dignified and sombre in conduct or character.”

Wow, I can not remember the last time someone referred to me as sombre. In fact I can’t remember the last time I had a serious thought that was momentous; all the while having sombre conduct. It is safe to say that I will not be using the words ‘solemnly’, and ‘grave’ in my pledge.

I am going to amend my pledge to better suit me.


I really-really-really promise to journal everyday; no matter what. I will be honest even if I have been a total pig that day. I will not fudge the calories to make myself to feel better even if I eaten 5,000 calories in one sitting- I will journal them. For better or for worse I will learn from the past, so that future days will turn ou t better.

I am serious about food journaling. I will do it. BUT…tonight happens to be David and I's 19th annual dinner and a movie date; which includes the following: hot wings, cheese burgers, milk shakes, movie popcorn, and m&ms. Granted I won’t be able to consume every last morsel on my plate, or in my bag- thank goodness for my lapband. That being said I can’t mustard up what it takes to journal these ‘sins’ on my first day. Therefore, I have made an executive decision that my food journaling will commence as of Saturday.

Hey, so I am not perfect!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Party Mama / Weight Loss Challenge

Today is Friday, August, 14. I weighed myself today, and I am down to 171.2, but I think it was a fluke. This week I am going to limit my sugar intake. Close your eyes…picture a mountain of sugar. Now picture me sitting on top of said mountain of sugar with a straw. That's me loving my sugar! I need to get off of that mountain.
Goal for this week: Limit sugar intake.

Holly just had her 12th birthday. It was a busy day for me. David and I decided to throw a ‘surprise’ 7:00 am birthday party for her on her birthday.

We had been teasing Holly for the last few weeks in various ways with regards to the arrival time of her birthday gifts. (Truth be told it was mainly me. Okay truth really be told it was all me.) I would tell her that we were unorganized, and as a result she would not be able to get her gifts on the day of her birthday. I told her that we might be able to get her gifts to her by the following Sunday. She advised me that if I that if I waited too long that her gifts may sold out due to overwhelming demand. It was hard for me not to giggle; I don’t have a poker face. We already had the most awesome gift- a laptop- thank you very much!

I was happy. That was until Holly got me back. Normally Holly’s birthday list includes: books, a hoody, an Idog, the 4th book in the Twilight series, and so on. I had no intention of fulfilling her ‘wish list’ list; I left that to my mother in law.

Like I said I had bought her a laptop, a pink one. I also bought a carrying case with cute flowers on it. Here is where my money situation got a little non-refundable. I had the store program the computer, and add Microsoft Word, which was $200.00 investment.

For the first time in her life she actually asks for ‘something’ for her birthday, but it was after I had already purchased the laptop. She tells me shyly that she reconsidered her list, and she would like a Wii. (She figured that I haven't gone shopping yet, so revising her list shouldn't be a problem.) In addition to the Wii she gives me a list of the games she would be happy to get. As she hands me the list then she adds: ‘I don’t need anything on this list, so you don’t have to buy anything on it. If you don't want to.’

My daughter does not ask for much. When we go to the grocery story she buys her own gum. That is just how she is. For example a friend took her birthday shopping this year; they walked around the mall for four hours; she could not find anything that would be worthy enough to spend money on. Her friend ended up giving her the $40 in cash that was suppose to be for the gift. She plans on saving it.

‘I don’t NEED anything on the list, so if you want to use my first list you can.’ Because you guessed it- everything on the first list contained stuff she NEEDED.

I piped up, and told her that birthdays are not always about asking for things you ‘need’ it can be asking for things you ‘wish for’ as well. (SHUT UP AMY! YOU ALREADY BOUGHT THE LAPTOP. SHUT UP! IF YOU RETURN THE LAPTOP YOU WILL BE OUT $200!)

‘Okay I would really LOVE to get a Wii!’


David and I had to hold several special birthday meetings. We were both scratching our heads about our situation. We both came to the conclusion that we were screwed. We decided to keep the laptop, and hope for the best. Maybe the Wii will be a future Christmas gift.

Fast forward to 7:00 in morning of Holly’s birthday; it was time for the surprise party. We had 3 kinds of cakes, helium balloons, streamers, banners, and other birthday party stuff.

I got up at 5 am on the morning of Holly’s birthday to decorate. Everything was going great. I was hanging streamers; which looked fabulous.

I was putting up the streamers in the dining room, which has a ceiling that happens to be a little too high for me. Being the genius that I am I decided to use the dining room table as a 'ladder'. My system was going well… that was until the table lost its balance, and it toppled over with me on it. I hit the floor with a thud, and my heavy table landed with a thud on top of me. Hey guess what? It didn’t hurt too much; apparently I am able to withstand a table falling on me without harm. I kept hanging the streamers, but I used the dining room chairs instead. The show must go on.

The surprise party was a hit. She loved the laptop.

Holly ordered homemade pizza for her birthday dinner. It was time for me to make the homemade pizza sauce. (I let that sauce simmer for four hours. I have been watching The Food Network so I knew that simmering would let everything marry.) I made the pizza dough "Lucy Style"; meaning that flour and dough went flying all over my kitchen. (Dough actually ended up in my hair.) My kitchen was a mess. Yeah but unlike Lucy I didn't have a stage crew to clean up my mess!

Fast forward to today I can't move. My injuries include the following: A six by four inch bruise on my left forearm. I have a bruise on my inner left wrist, and my left hand is also bruised from top to bottom (my fingers were spared).

I also have some big bruises on my thighs. (Those bruises are from the stupid HEAVY table.)

I am not complaining or anything, but if I believe in evolution I SHOULD not be tempted to table dance again. But then we will see.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Last 14

I am having a pep rally! Do I hear a woot-woot? I am on a weight loss challenge to lose the last 14 pounds! Yes I am down to the last 14!!! I know; I can’t believe it either!

I need to explain something before we go on. I am not going to be a size 8, or probably not even a size 10. I am striving for a size 12. I want to be curvy and delicious.

My goal weight is 158. Can you believe that I am going to be 158? I know (again)! 90 pound weight loss...giggle...giggle...giggle!

After I get down to my goal weight I am going to some plastics done. I want to get my tummy all firmed up.

What is my time frame? Good question. January 6, 2010; 5 months is totally doable.

Let’s rally. I need all the support I can get.