Friday, August 21, 2009

You Should Never Start A New Diet on Friday Night.

I am not going to weigh-in this week. I got my ‘monthly shipment’ in, and I don’t think it would be fair to my self-esteem if I got on my scale. (It might not be fair to my scale either.) I promise next week that I will be standing on my scale ready to report my progress.

Do you food journal?
I do it when it is convenient for me. I don’t mean in the way of time convenience. I am talking about eye convenience.

It is virtually impossible for me to food journal when I see the words ‘cheese burger’, ‘pizza’, ‘Starbuck’s mocha’, on my journal menu.

Where are the words ‘chicken breast’, and ‘carrot sticks’? I can be a real downer to see the calorie counter moving up. Quick cover my eyes I don’t want to see that.

I know what you are thinking:

"But Amy, would you not say that food journaling is most effective when you have had a stuff-your-face-day?"
"Are these not the situations why some brilliant diet guru invented the idea food journaling?"

"Isn’t the purpose of food journaling to help motivate you to stay on track; SO you won’t be tempted to eat that really big helping of pasta with garlic bread? "

I agree that the answers to all the questions above are a big fat YES!

I am a trouble-shooter by nature. If something needs fixing; call me. Naturally I sat down and evaluated my situation. I came to the conclusion that I was not going to move forward with my weight-loss journey unless I keep an eye on my road, which meant I had to start food journaling once again. Unthaw the chicken, and break out the scale! No more eating out, because I can’t food journal restaurant items-who knows what is really in the food? (Fat, fat, fat, and more fat!)

I hatched a plan. Well it’s not really a plan, but more a pledge.

I know you can not see me, but as I am typing this pledge I am raising my right hand. (It is good thing I am left-handed, because typing this pledge would be really challenging, and thus the pledge itself might end up being too short for what I need it to say.)

“I solemnly promise…”
(Wait a minute… What does the word ‘solemnly’ mean? According to Google’s dictionary the definition of the word ‘solemnly’ means: “In a grave and sedate manner.”

Oh, did you notice the word ‘grave’ in the definition? That sounds serious. It may even be bad for my health. I can not chance it. Back to Google I go. The definition for the word ‘grave’ is: “requiring serious thought, momentous, or it can also mean dignified and sombre in conduct or character.”

Wow, I can not remember the last time someone referred to me as sombre. In fact I can’t remember the last time I had a serious thought that was momentous; all the while having sombre conduct. It is safe to say that I will not be using the words ‘solemnly’, and ‘grave’ in my pledge.

I am going to amend my pledge to better suit me.


I really-really-really promise to journal everyday; no matter what. I will be honest even if I have been a total pig that day. I will not fudge the calories to make myself to feel better even if I eaten 5,000 calories in one sitting- I will journal them. For better or for worse I will learn from the past, so that future days will turn ou t better.

I am serious about food journaling. I will do it. BUT…tonight happens to be David and I's 19th annual dinner and a movie date; which includes the following: hot wings, cheese burgers, milk shakes, movie popcorn, and m&ms. Granted I won’t be able to consume every last morsel on my plate, or in my bag- thank goodness for my lapband. That being said I can’t mustard up what it takes to journal these ‘sins’ on my first day. Therefore, I have made an executive decision that my food journaling will commence as of Saturday.

Hey, so I am not perfect!


Amy said...

OMG, this food journaling thing was so much easier when I was on liquids! I've noticed that the further out I get from my surgery, the less I'm journaling.

I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did! Keep up the great work - you look fantastic!

Kathy said...

You're so right Amy. Journaling keeps you honest, if you are honestly journaling. I need to journal myself.