Friday, August 14, 2009

Party Mama / Weight Loss Challenge

Today is Friday, August, 14. I weighed myself today, and I am down to 171.2, but I think it was a fluke. This week I am going to limit my sugar intake. Close your eyes…picture a mountain of sugar. Now picture me sitting on top of said mountain of sugar with a straw. That's me loving my sugar! I need to get off of that mountain.
Goal for this week: Limit sugar intake.

Holly just had her 12th birthday. It was a busy day for me. David and I decided to throw a ‘surprise’ 7:00 am birthday party for her on her birthday.

We had been teasing Holly for the last few weeks in various ways with regards to the arrival time of her birthday gifts. (Truth be told it was mainly me. Okay truth really be told it was all me.) I would tell her that we were unorganized, and as a result she would not be able to get her gifts on the day of her birthday. I told her that we might be able to get her gifts to her by the following Sunday. She advised me that if I that if I waited too long that her gifts may sold out due to overwhelming demand. It was hard for me not to giggle; I don’t have a poker face. We already had the most awesome gift- a laptop- thank you very much!

I was happy. That was until Holly got me back. Normally Holly’s birthday list includes: books, a hoody, an Idog, the 4th book in the Twilight series, and so on. I had no intention of fulfilling her ‘wish list’ list; I left that to my mother in law.

Like I said I had bought her a laptop, a pink one. I also bought a carrying case with cute flowers on it. Here is where my money situation got a little non-refundable. I had the store program the computer, and add Microsoft Word, which was $200.00 investment.

For the first time in her life she actually asks for ‘something’ for her birthday, but it was after I had already purchased the laptop. She tells me shyly that she reconsidered her list, and she would like a Wii. (She figured that I haven't gone shopping yet, so revising her list shouldn't be a problem.) In addition to the Wii she gives me a list of the games she would be happy to get. As she hands me the list then she adds: ‘I don’t need anything on this list, so you don’t have to buy anything on it. If you don't want to.’

My daughter does not ask for much. When we go to the grocery story she buys her own gum. That is just how she is. For example a friend took her birthday shopping this year; they walked around the mall for four hours; she could not find anything that would be worthy enough to spend money on. Her friend ended up giving her the $40 in cash that was suppose to be for the gift. She plans on saving it.

‘I don’t NEED anything on the list, so if you want to use my first list you can.’ Because you guessed it- everything on the first list contained stuff she NEEDED.

I piped up, and told her that birthdays are not always about asking for things you ‘need’ it can be asking for things you ‘wish for’ as well. (SHUT UP AMY! YOU ALREADY BOUGHT THE LAPTOP. SHUT UP! IF YOU RETURN THE LAPTOP YOU WILL BE OUT $200!)

‘Okay I would really LOVE to get a Wii!’


David and I had to hold several special birthday meetings. We were both scratching our heads about our situation. We both came to the conclusion that we were screwed. We decided to keep the laptop, and hope for the best. Maybe the Wii will be a future Christmas gift.

Fast forward to 7:00 in morning of Holly’s birthday; it was time for the surprise party. We had 3 kinds of cakes, helium balloons, streamers, banners, and other birthday party stuff.

I got up at 5 am on the morning of Holly’s birthday to decorate. Everything was going great. I was hanging streamers; which looked fabulous.

I was putting up the streamers in the dining room, which has a ceiling that happens to be a little too high for me. Being the genius that I am I decided to use the dining room table as a 'ladder'. My system was going well… that was until the table lost its balance, and it toppled over with me on it. I hit the floor with a thud, and my heavy table landed with a thud on top of me. Hey guess what? It didn’t hurt too much; apparently I am able to withstand a table falling on me without harm. I kept hanging the streamers, but I used the dining room chairs instead. The show must go on.

The surprise party was a hit. She loved the laptop.

Holly ordered homemade pizza for her birthday dinner. It was time for me to make the homemade pizza sauce. (I let that sauce simmer for four hours. I have been watching The Food Network so I knew that simmering would let everything marry.) I made the pizza dough "Lucy Style"; meaning that flour and dough went flying all over my kitchen. (Dough actually ended up in my hair.) My kitchen was a mess. Yeah but unlike Lucy I didn't have a stage crew to clean up my mess!

Fast forward to today I can't move. My injuries include the following: A six by four inch bruise on my left forearm. I have a bruise on my inner left wrist, and my left hand is also bruised from top to bottom (my fingers were spared).

I also have some big bruises on my thighs. (Those bruises are from the stupid HEAVY table.)

I am not complaining or anything, but if I believe in evolution I SHOULD not be tempted to table dance again. But then we will see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?? No Wii??? I love my Wii.. It is a must have no matter what anyone says!!!
