Monday, August 24, 2009

This Has Been an Interesting Summer

There have been a few changes in my home in the last month. My daughter turned 12. It hit me like a ton of bricks falling from the sky going 1,000 miles an hour. BAM! Great now I have a parental concussion. Now I know what Wile e. Coyote feels like when the side of the cliff drops on his head. But just like Wile I brought on these stars that are swirling over my head.

My daughter is has two personalities. When she is at school she is outgoing, she joins every sports team. Expect track, she hates track! Just ask her. She is on the student council, and she has no lack of friends.

When she comes home she is quiet, and she will not leave me side. I encourage her to get together with her friends instead she sighs and she tells me that she is tired, has too much homework, or she doesn’t have her friend’s phone number.

My fear is that she is becoming a staying-at-home-daughter, because she is worried about me. As you know I am bipolar, and I think this has caused her to grow up faster than I would like. I am only guessing but I think that she feels that I need to be taken care of, and she is the one who is best suited for the job. My job is to make sure that she mentally fires herself from that job.

I had enough this summer. I decided that she had to live her life for her own good. David and I sat down with her and told her to go out and have fun. She finally took our advice. Thank you Jesus! (Sigh of relief.)

She found all her friend’s phone numbers, and started to go to the pool, the mall, and having sleepovers. Her calendar is always full. Ha! Holly you’re fired! Here’s your pink slip!

My phone hardly rings. Correct me if I am wrong, but is she not supposed to be tying up my phone line? I work for the phone company, so I prepared myself. I gave Holly her own number, which rings twice when her friends call. Her friends never call. Instead they MSN! All the wheeling-and-dealing happens online. She will be quietly typing on her laptop, and all the sudden she will lookup, and ask me if she can go with so-and-so to somewhere.

I was so looking forward to yelling up the stairs, “Holly, get off the phone!” Well there is always a silver lining, which is if you ever want to give me a call my phone line will not be tied up by silly tween conversations.

When I ask her why she doesn’t use the phone; she rolls her eyes and says, “Oh mom, we don’t use phones ANYMORE!”

Humph! Anymore…what? How did I get old?

Excuse me I got off track. The reason I am composing this entry is to announce that Holly has her first boyfriend, and she ‘hearts’ him. I am not too worried about it, but it is making me want to tie her up, and lock her in the closet.

Her boyfriend is similar to Holly. They are both active in sports, and they are on the honour roll list.

He is shy. David and I stay involved as much as possible. We took them out to dinner already, and the poor boy couldn’t even eat, because he was too nervous. He kept his eyes on David the whole time. He barely could spit out three words. It was cute.

From what I can see he is really sweet to my daughter. She just had her birthday, and he took her shopping so he could buy her a gift. They shopped for four hours, but she could not make up her mind. He ended up giving her the money instead. The main point was he went shopping! What boy will do that? Her father that’s who. David will go shopping to make me happy. It is my hope that she will always pick nice, smart gentlemen.

I know you might not agree with David and me when it comes to Holly having a ‘boyfriend’, but we feel that we can not stop her. She might do it behind our back. We support her and as a result she tells us everything that happens when they hangout. (We knew we she had her first kiss. GULP!) They go places with us. (After all they are only 12.) We met his parents. This is the first step down a long road of boyfriends, and if we get up-to-date post cards along the way it will let us sleep better at night. (Maybe.)

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