Saturday, August 22, 2009

No Where to Run to Baby...No Where to Hide!

(Foreshadowing music…)


Today is the BIG day- I start food journaling. UGH. I want to have a stellar attitude about this, but I think I like burying my head in the sand a lot more.

I am going to food journal like I promised. No problem. I figured out that (and this is the ouch part…) if I am at the computer journaling anyway that I might as well jump over to my blog and report in to you.

Yes you will get to witness my days of sainthood, and gluttony. Unless I have fallen ill from consuming a cow, you will see my calorie count for that day. If you take a moment and look to your right you will see a section that reads: “Calories Consumed per Day”. You will be able to see if I went over, or under my target. (Please let it be under!)

I am using Apex, which is the Bodybugg system. I have a calorie tracker on my arm that tracks every calorie burned for that day. I am supposed to journal my food intake, and hopefully be at a deficit. My Bodybugg, who’s name is Bob, request that I burn off 2000 calories per day. Apex has instructed me to keep my calorie intake to 1500 calories per day.

I am going to make a commitment to you that I am going to keep you updated for two weeks. At which time I will re-evaluate my situation.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Good for you. By the way the head shot of you in the side bar is such a pretty picture. I've been thinking that for a long time and never said it. So now I need to journal my meals too. Especially since yesterday the doctor removed all the saline from my band. I am going to go to a Gastroenterologist for a scope test to see why I have headburn and reflux so badly. Wish me luck.