Thursday, April 22, 2010

No Clue On How To Title This Entry.

It's almost midnight. I only have 31 hours left, and then I'm divorcing my stomach. Time is going by faster than I thought it would, but that's not too hard , because I thought it would be slooooooow. But it's just so/so slow. Tomorrow the cleaners come, and I have to start preparing for my road trip to my in-laws house. I wanted to pack 12 pillows; yes I do have that many available for packing, I'm my own Bed, Bath, and Beyond store. Wait did they go out of business? It doesn't matter you get the point.

It's time for bed. I have taken my sleeping meds. (a perk of being bipolar) This blog entry doesn't even make sense to me, but I had to write something. *Note to self: Do not blog while on sleeping medication. I'm going to put that in my back pocket for a later date. The funny thing is; I won't remember blogging this in the morning. I get amnesia from my sleeping pills. So that means when I open my blog tomorrow I will be reading this for the first time just like you are. How cool is that?

Wait, what was I blogging about? I'm having to think... oh right, only 31 hours until my surgery. Are you as excited as I am? I'd better go to bed. Thanks for reading.


Judi said...

YIPPEE! Onward!!!

Diz said...

How fantabulous!!! I can't wait to pick your brains about the whole process. I so desperately need to get rid of the excess skin around my stomach, but the cost is scary. Good wishes going out to you Girl!