Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weighty Issues

I have bloggers block. I didn’t think it was possible, because I always have something to say. I’m one of ‘those’ chatty people you meet when your out-and-about minding your own business. By the time we part either you are running away, or we are exchanging phone numbers.

If I had to guess why I am blocked I would guess it would have something to do with weight loss. At the moment I’m obsessed with it. I am on Spark People everyday. I even set those guys as my home page! (So far I have lost 6 pounds.) Yeah but there is a hitch…I can’t seem to focus on two things at one time.

I never wanted this blog to focus on weight loss; if anything it would be a small component.

You see I think about losing weight way too much as it is, and I needed a safe place to let my mind wander without having the need to calculate calories in, and calories out. What fun is that?
If I write about my weight issues I would rather write about them in a different light using humour, and every day events to showcase my accomplishments, and struggles.

I don’t want to tell you that when I get in the shower I use the seamed up glass, and my finger to manually calculate how long it is going to take me to lose the extra pounds based on how many calories I eat verses how many calories I burn. I am pretty sure you would think I am crazy! (I should be using a white board, and a colourful dry erase marker; am I right?)

I am going to end here. Over the next few days I will be doing some interesting things that will force me to snap out of my weight-focusing-obsession. (I hope.)


Emily said...
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Emily said...

Ive been wondering how your WL efforts were going. 6lbs thats awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Please keep posting about your weightloss - as a fellow bander (10/07) I am struggling too and cone here for support. I lost 50 (out of my goal of 75) then just recently put back on 15! So I'm down 35 in two years -pitiful. I just had a new fill and I'm hopefully going back down now....Tina