Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'd Rather Be Bipolar Than a 12 Year Old Girl

You heard me. I’d rather be bipolar than be 12 year old girl. There is something out there called ‘girl world’, and up until now I have been oblivious to it. But then middle school happened, and somewhere between June and September little girls became tweens with their own agendas.

Last year it was all about homework, crushing on boys, and sports. This year it's all about being popular, and being popular. When did the sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice-train derail?

My friend Teri has an older daughter, and she would tell me horror stories of ‘
girl world’, and how mean and catty 7th grade girls can be. I would let the information go in one ear, and out the other. I thought we would be immune to it. To be perfectly honest I thought ‘girl world’ was an urban legend. I didn’t pay attention.

This is an actual example of ‘
girl world’. I have tried to write it in such a way that you will understand what transpired between 4 girls; who are living in the nightmare of tweendom.

(I have edited out the “
likes”, and the “ums” for ease of reading.)

Setting- Cafeteria at Holly’s middle school

Girl #1- We’ll call Betty- everyone wants to beat Betty up. She is supposed to be a mean girl.

Girl #2- We’ll call Jane- Jane and Betty do not get along. Jane is a friend of Holly’s.

Girl #3- We’ll call Sally- Sally is a friend of Jane and Holly. Apparently Sally doesn’t like Betty either.

…and then there was Holly. Holly likes all three girls.

Jane decided that she had had enough of Betty pushing her around, so Jane started a duke-it-out-fight with Sally in the cafeteria. Since both girls
are Holly’s friends; Holly got in the middle of the fight, and stopped it. (It also helped that there was a teacher near by.)

Somewhere between lunch and afterschool Sally decided that Betty needed a beat-down, so she too was going to take on Betty after school. Now this really tickled Jane to death, because Jane was in no position to beat up Betty. However Sally decided that beating up Betty wasn’t such a hot idea, so the fight got cancelled.

Now Jane is mad at Holly, because Holly got in the way of the lunch time brawl. Jane feels that Holly should have stuck up for her, and let her beat up Betty.

(Not that could never have happened. Jane-the poor girl is extremely overweight, and gets winded going up the stairs. To make matters worse Betty is in-shape.)

Two things you should know-

Betty didn’t want to fight Jane.

Betty can be a hell raiser at times, and Betty probably has pissed Jane off legitimately. (I had talkings to Betty about being a brat in the past.)

Anywhoo, Jane decided that she didn’t want Holly as a friend because Holly didn’t let the fight happen in the cafeteria, so she dumped Holly via MSN. Jane also got a 4th girl who also doesn't like Betty to dump Holly.

(Are you still keeping up?)

Truth be told Holly isn’t even that close to Betty. Betty doesn’t come over and hang out. It is not that kind of relationship. Holly said that they are acquaintances.

Holly went to school today, and guess what- Meany Jane wanted to be friends! Holly could not understand the change in attitude. Holly has yet to accept the offer of renewed friendship, because in Holly’s words: ‘
It’s all too confusing. I don’t need this drama.’

When she was leaving science class Holly muttered,
‘I don’t understand anything about girl world.’ Her teacher called back, ‘This is just the beginning.

Lord help us.


Holly said...

Mom you are TOTALLY right and im like so annoyed at UGHH everyone lol:D i love you (and you r blog XD and also i love you more HA i won)

Kathy said...

Brings back memories of myself and my daughter when she was that age. Hopefully, Holly will remain the smart and together girl she is and won't be lured in by the mean girls.

Robyn said...

Holly sounds like a smart girl. The fact that she tried to stop the fight rather than cheer it on shows she's got a good head on her shoulders. You should be proud!

Amy said...

The first comment is from my daughter Holly. We have had this game since she was old enough to talk. She would say, 'I love you.'

To which I would reply would reply, 'I love you MORE!' This I-Love-You-Game could go on for 20 minutes. To win the game you had to find cleaver ways to be the last person to tell the other person that you loved them 'more'.

She thought she was so smart. She had a 2 day victory on me, but I found it. Now victory is now mine.
This time she won...or did she?

Hey Holly, I love you MORE! I won. (Now I am doing a happy dance.) :)


Emily said...

This crap is one of the reasons I ran straight from cafeteria to the library to avoid the abuse both physical and mental from my "peers". The qualities that Holly is being tormented for now are the ones that are going to keep her ahead of the pack when she is an adult!!

Anonymous said...

Holly, you Rock!!! You are awesome, amazing, and a great role model for your peers, even if they don't know it yet. I wish I had the intelligence and quick wit you have when I was your age. I'm glad you're back in my life! :)
