Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have been vey busy lately. If you must know I have been enjoying my favorite past-time- SHOPPING! 'Cept I haven’t been shopping for my usual fare, instead I have purchasing items that are way out of my comfort zone.

I had to get a few things from the electronics store. I bought a web cam, a HD camcorder, and a movie editor. I am going to be a star.

I am going in for a tummy tuck at the end of May. To get ready for my adventure I have been researching the web, and youtube to get an idea of what other people have experienced during their tuck. I found some brave people who have shared their experiences, but after watching them I felt like I wanted even more information. I wanted a more ‘personal’ look inside of their journeys.

I decided that I would become one of the masses, and put my tummy tuck life online for people to experience as I go through it. I will post my first link to my first youtube intro video soon.

(I have to learn how to use all my new toys.)

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